When trading in financial markets, you will encounter several popular trading strategies. You may also find that your success using one strategy will not mirror someone else’s success.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which https://maritimjatim.info/ is the best trading strategy for you. Some important factors to consider include your personality type, lifestyle and available resources. In this article, we run through some of the most common trading strategies that could inspire you to build your own trading plan, test new trading techniques or even improve upon your existing trading strategy. Learn how to start trading on our Next Generation trading platform.
1. News trading strategy
A news trading strategy involves trading based on news and market expectations, both before and following news releases. Trading on news announcements can require a skilled mind-set as news can travel very quickly on digital media. Traders will need to assess the news immediately after it’s released and make a quick judgement on how to trade it.
2. End-of-day trading strategy
The end-of-day trading strategy involves trading near the close of markets. End-of-day traders become active when it becomes clear that the price is going to ‘settle’ or close.
This strategy requires the studying of price action in comparison to the previous day’s price movements. End-of-day traders can then speculate how the price could move based on the price action and decide on any indicators that they are using in their system. Traders should create a set of risk management orders including a limit order, a stop-loss order and a take-profit order to reduce any overnight risk.
3. Swing trading strategy
The term ‘swing trading’ refers to trading both sides on the movements of any financial market. Swing traders aim to ‘buy’ a security when they suspect that the market will rise. Otherwise, they can ‘sell’ an asset when they suspect that the price will fall. Swing traders take advantage of the market’s oscillations as the price swings back and forth, from an overbought to oversold state. Swing trading is purely a technical approach to analysing markets, achieved through studying charts and analysing the individual movements that comprise a bigger picture trend.
4. Day trading strategy
Day trading or intraday trading is suitable for traders that would like to actively trade in the daytime, generally as a full time profession. Day traders take advantage of price fluctuations in-between the market open and close hours. Day traders often hold multiple positions open in a day, but do not leave positions open overnight in order to minimise the risk of overnight market volatility. It’s recommended that day traders follow an organised trading plan that can quickly adapt to fast market movements.
5. Trend trading strategy
This strategy describes when a trader uses technical analysis to define a trend, and only enters trades in the direction of the pre-determined trend.
The above is a famous trading motto and one of the most accurate in the markets. Following the trend is different from being ‘bullish or bearish’. Trend traders do not have a fixed view of where the market should go or in which direction. Success in trend trading can be defined by having an accurate system to firstly determine and then follow trends. However, it’s crucial to stay alert and adaptable as the trend can quickly change. Trend traders need to be aware of the risks of market reversals, those which can be mitigated with a trailing stop-loss order.